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Your Credit Card and their ‘Rewards"

Tuesday, February 2nd, 2010

copyright 2010 The Bettina Network, inc.

Let’s take a look at those Credit Card “Rewards” offered by just about every bank. This came from several breakfast conversations. We put it all together and voila – for your information!

Who pays for those rewards? Are they really ‘gifts’ from the banks and credit card companies as payment for your loyalty to them or are they profit centers generating more money transferred from John and Mary Q. Public to the banks without John & Mary realizing the game plan?

Those rewards do not come from either the Credit Card companies or their underlying banks. They come from you, the consumer using those credit cards. You pay for the rewards you think are ‘free’ and you pay a substantial amount of money for those ‘gifts.’

How? When you make a purchase via a merchant with your credit card, the credit card company takes a percentage of your charge from the merchant; and takes a monthly fee; a rental fee for the equipment the merchant uses; money for telephone calls the machine makes from the merchant to the processing company to approve and record your charges; PLUS – an extra amount for whatever credit card ‘program’ your card indicates. So, the merchant is left with a fairly heavy discount taken by the credit card companies. The ‘reward’ program discounts can be pretty substantial as an addition on top of everything else.

I am sure by now you get the picture. The merchant can not absorb those discounts and stay in business so they are passed along – TO YOU!

Merchants have contracts with their credit card processing companies – just as you have a contract with your credit card company. Those contracts are changed on a basis about as regular as your contract is changed. The only ‘consent’ the merchants can give to those changes is to either agree and go along or stop accepting credit cards from their consumers and we all know what that would do to that merchants’ business. So the merchant is pretty well locked into allowing the discount percentages for the rewards to be taken from the money they receive from the credit card processing companies. Those discounts are taken and sent to the credit card banks whether you use your ‘rewards’ points or they just disappear!

Some quick calculations will point you in the direction of the ‘rewards’ system being a profit center for the credit card companies instead of ‘gifts’ to consumers.

The rewards discount is taken from each and every credit card purchase by the credit card processing companies – whether the reward is used or not and each bank has a way of limiting the amount of rewards actually used. There are rules as to when you can use your rewards and when you get stripped of them. The merchant does not receive a credit if your rewards are stripped from you, that goes to the bank’s bottom line profit.

We believe some of the ‘reward’ offers are downright fraudulent. Take for example when you start with a credit card company and they offer special promotions giving you ‘double points’ sometimes ‘triple points’ for buying stuff using their credit card. After a time, those same special promotions are offered to all credit card holders. What has happened? The ‘rewards’ which previously took 100 points to get – now take 200 points or in the case of the triple point offers – 300 points. The number of points it takes to ‘buy’ the same reward has increased two or three times. That was most noticeable when the points it took for airline tickets doubled – particularly with American Express.

On settlement day with the merchant, there are various amounts showing on the merchants statement from their credit card processor.

For example: One merchant – selling widgets – pays the credit card processor 2.99% for allowing that merchant to accept credit cards. The discount percentage varies from one merchant to another or in the case of American Express, from one industry to another.

In addition to that 2.99%, that merchant pays a monthly fee for using the service. In addition, the merchant pays for telephone calls, at so much per call, (haven’t they heard of Skype) generated to put the charge through from the merchant to the processor, in addition, the merchant pays either a rental or purchase fee for the equipment used – some as high as $80/month for a small company (our research shows that is Bank of America) and on up.

And then comes the ‘reward’ discount. The merchant is charged an extra amount, on top of all of the above discounts, depending upon which card was accepted with which program in effect. It is a place where banks can nickel and dime a merchant into capitalisms graveyard without the merchants being aware they are terminally ill because the amounts on an individual charge seem to be so little. Very few merchants are good at that kind of math – and even more don’t believe they are being robbed so blatantly.

When you add up the money across the entire credit card industry it is an overwhelmingly large amount. Then – do the math – subtract from that the amount not used by credit card holders who die with points on their credit cards; credit card holders who are stripped of their points because they had late payments; credit card holders who are stripped of their points for innumerable other reasons; credit card holders who don’t ever get enough points to use them, etc. etc. etc.

When added up, one realizes that much money is being made here and where is it going? Into the banks’ pockets and then into the preferred bankers’ pockets individually through those obscene bonuses! How is it being reported? Is there a stripped out set of numbers which accurately reports the profit banks are making from their credit card ‘rewards’ program and how much the general public is paying for ‘gifts’ that they think are free to them as a bonus for their loyalty to their credit card? That is the area where all are notoriously silent.

Don’t speak of it until we find another service with which to replace this rewards boon-doggle and then it can be trashed out of existence, while we quietly move along taking even more money from John and Mary Q Public.


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Volunteer with Bettina Network Foundation, inc. to work estate sales; to help move items from one home to another; to contribute your ideas on how we can better use our resources in this effort to relieve and eliminate homelessness and poverty. We also need photographers; designers; and more. However much or little time you have, we are grateful.

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A Tribute to Mary Daly

Friday, January 8th, 2010

by: Marceline Donaldson

A friend of mine died on Sunday. The world is changing much too fast. Old friends are leaving, quietly. You hear nothing for a couple years and then the news comes that they have died. Keep your friends and family close. Before you know it, they will be gone. 

Mary Daly died on Sunday. I first met Mary when I was at Harvard Business School. On a Sunday, I went to Memorial Church. No particular reason, that was what I did on Sundays. The preacher was Mary Daly. She preached a sermon I will never forget and at the end of it led a walk out to protest the patriarchy. – Almost everybody in Harvard Memorial Church that Sunday, walked out with her – me included. It was kind of like being in a shocked, unreal, dreamlike place. It was 1971 and the world was just waking up to what feminism and the women’s movement was all about. 
I saw the picture of Mary Daly that the Boston Globe used over her obituary. It was probably the worst picture of her they could find. Choosing that picture said more about the Boston Globe than it did about Mary Daly. When I met Mary that Sunday, so many years ago, she was a young, very beautiful woman. I read Mary’s obituary in the Boston Globe. It said nothing about the Memorial Church walkout. It read as though what she did in life was to refuse to admit men to her classes at Boston College. 
I spent the 1970’s protesting, reading Mary’s books, along with many more and waking up from my southern, feminine, shy self. I turned the ‘ne at the end of feminine into ‘st and have been doing my little bit to change a patriarchy that sometimes seems intransigent. Those who fought as hard as Mary Daly did, suffer the slings and arrows; the harsh judgments of their peers; the jealousy of those fighting alongside them; the rage of the patriarchy and more, but they have the freedom, the total internal freedom that comes with knowing who you are, of defining yourself; of not allowing this world and its institutional structures to dictate your sense of self-worth. That freedom is worth all the pain and agony which goes along with claiming it. 
To Mary Daly – my deepest thanks for the incredible way you gave of yourself to bring about change from a baser way of living in this world to one in which me, my children and grandchildren can begin to heal from the burdens and abuses of the patriarchal system into which we were born. 
Out of the depths of my despair, my frustration, my confusion, my feelings of being an alien where I live every day, breaks forth my realization of the incredible joy of being me – of understanding who that is – of not compromising my equality for anything or anyone – of becoming fierce and strong and proud of my femaleness. Stereotypes fall away, they lose their grip and I see through all the games being played against me. Games to diminish me; to bind me; to keep me from being all that i was born to be, all that my talents push me to be – how glorious is that freedom. May it keep its hold on me forever. 
Amazingly, many of the things Mary Daly talked about I heard from my grandmother. She didn’t phrase them the same way and my grandmother would be appalled if anyone called her a feminist, but there she was. She talked about sin – if you are going to sin, sin boldly, she said. Always make your own living. You are a free, whole person – always remember that. There is nothing you can’t do. If one door closes, another door opens – only you have to be able to see the opening door and if you are crying over the door that closed in your face, you will surely miss the better one opening just a few feet away – and it isn’t going to sit there open for long, waiting until you arise from your self-pity, missy. 
The world will miss a beautiful soul. God bless you Mary Daly. May your soul and the souls of the departed do glorious things together and be joyous in your new life in ways that were not possible on earth.

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Ed. Note: Members of the Bettina Network Lifestyle Community can contribute to the Bettina Network Blog whenever they have anything they want to say and be heard by this fantastic group of people. Send your blog to or mail it to us at P. O. Box 380585 Cambridge, MA. 02238 or call us on the telephone at 617-497-9166 to tell us what you want to say and we will write it for you.

Volunteer with Bettina Network Foundation, inc. to work estate sales; to help move items from one home to another; to contribute your ideas on how we can better use our resources in this effort to relieve and eliminate homelessness and poverty. We also need photographers; designers; and more. However much or little time you have, we are grateful.

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Ramblings on Tiger Woods

Thursday, December 17th, 2009

copyright the Bettina Network, inc.
Marceline Donaldson

I was going to keep quiet on this one, but who can resist a request to write something.  I can feel my daughters cringe as I speak out!  I am sure one of the things they are grateful for is a last name different from mine.  Nevertheless –

The first thing that strikes me is the media outcry about Tiger Woods who they claim pretended to be so “clean” and with such a “perfect image”.  It is an amazing outcry.  Tiger Woods didn’t claim to be anything.  He kept a private life private. His golf life was in the public eye, the rest of his life was totally private.  It is only very recently that we’ve seen Tiger Woods in pictures with his wife.

I see this whole tabloid event as being extremely racist and sexist.  It is difficult to do anything in this society which doesn’t have such overtones, but this tops it.

First of all, it is quite possible and most probable that the core of the problem is simply that Tiger Woods and his wife were in a marriage that wasn’t working and he found an outlet – or outlets, if you are to believe the tabloids with all the women coming forth claiming to be Tiger’s mistresses. One was 49 years old. No one has even hinted at how Elin Woods handled this bad marriage.  No one is even claiming it was a bad marriage, even though what is out there for all to see says clearly that the marriage wasn’t working. And from the alleged incident with the golf clubs, was it an abusive marriage.

Outside of everything else, this Tiger Woods mess has sent out a very clear call for a total clean-out of our media.  It is time for this country to demand that its media have standards other than greed – looking for twists on stories to bring in the most money for their particular media outlets.  The human cost has been enormous; our inability to get at the facts of any situation is clear because facts aren’t what the media is about.  The media has very successfully developed a cynical viewership and readership.  Today, most of us don’t believe anything we see or hear.  Good investigative journalism is a thing of the past, if it ever existed, except in a few exceptional corners.

Tiger Woods has simply replaced Michael Jackson for the media!  I remember when the Michael Jackson mess exploded onto the screen and in the written media.  To say he was lynched by the media is an understatement.  Once Michael Jackson died, predictably it was time to move on to take down another outsized African American male – and who fit that bill better than Tiger Woods.  Especially since Tiger Woods was married to a Caucasian woman.

It is first very striking in the different way the media treats our -ism groups.  Tiger Woods – African American male; Elin Woods – White ‘European’ female; David Letterman – White male in the right upper class group with the correct figures behind him; Hugh Hefner – White male “exotica” figure, not in the right group, but making money for the right people and throwing parties they all want to attend,  etc.

David Letterman is clearly the most harmful of the group.  He also is the one who got a free pass for his admitted past sexual abuse of women and given that, a free pass to continue.

We didn’t see women coming out to make accusations or to link their name to Lettermans as one of his ‘conquests’.  Very different from the way the Tiger Woods mess was handled.  Why is that?  Especially since the negative results for women and consequentially for our society are far greater in the David Letterman situation than in the Tiger Woods debacle. What was the difference in the women? – their career choices!!!  One group chose a career in which they  had to break glass ceilings. One group chose a career which totally fulfilled one of the negative stereotypes of women.  For women to come out to claim that David Letterman took advantage of them sexually on the job and put them in the position of either sex in a corner office or no job, no promotion, no ability to continue to work in their chosen profession – those women would have had to be ready to see their career disappear and daily survival become their biggest issue.  Not many are able to take that kind of stand and the stress that follows.  Unlike in the Tiger Woods mess where the pressure was on women to “out” Woods,  the pressure wasn’t on women to ‘out’ Letterman, but for them to cover-up for Letterman.  For them to shut-up or lose job and career.

We didn’t see celebrities making public statements condemning Letterman for this kind of gross discrimination against women – which is actually, the core of how this society institutionally and structurally discriminates against women.  We also didn’t see those same celebrities refusing to appear on his show because of what they now know happened ‘back stage.’  They came out in force, smiling, showing their continued friendship with Letterman and by their presence on his show making a statement about their acquiescence to and agreement with the way Letterman treated the women who worked with him professionally.

Our biggest celebrities ignored a horrible situation and continued and continue to appear on his show, glad-handing him and by doing so support this alleged sexual abuse of the women who work for him.  The media has been very conspiratorially silent.  So – David Letterman continues with no negative results to his career or professional future.

Tiger Woods is an African American man married to a White Woman – and a Swede at that – a blond, very white woman.  If you are not into denial about racism and sexism in this society, then you knew something was going to explode and that explosion would be to get rid of Tiger Woods or at least tar him with as ugly a brush as possible.  With Woods wrapped in the kind of scandal that has now surfaced.  The only thing better for those who contribute to this kind of mess would have been for him to have been found sleeping with young boys instead of grown, adult women.

It is striking the different way the tabloids handled the Rihanna situation and the way they handled the Elin situation.  It was horrific what happened to Rihanna and we all very properly admitted that and were appalled at the violent temper of her attacker. Her attacker was properly brought to justice and faced criminal charges.  There was also much talk in the media for him to be in an Anger Management program.

In contrast, there was loud cheering that went up when Elin Woods allegedly went after Tiger Woods with a golf club and allegedly did substantial damage to Tiger and his or their property.  At least Rihanna’s attacker used his hands. Violence against another human being is wrong and for that there are criminal penalties.  Interestingly, the tabloid and other media were calling for criminal penalties against Tiger Woods and cheering Elin on.  She had, after all, seen the light and went after this Negro with a weapon to do what – teach him a lesson?

All of Sweden is apparently cheering-on Elin.  Some of Tiger’s golf buddies are cheering-on Elin making comments about how sorry they were that they had introduced Elin to Tiger, he wasn’t the kind of person they thought he was and one golf buddy apologized for the introduction.  What kind of introduction?  He introduced the top sports figure in the world today, with a fairly substantial formal education and intelligence, via among others Stanford University with awards for both his intelligence as well as his athleticism, to a woman who was that golfer’s children’s nanny!  He thought they were equals and was now apologizing to her for introducing her to someone who, according to that golf buddy, was clearly beneath her.  And the media simply reported the comments and couldn’t hide their glee.  This golf buddy also suggested that Elin Woods use another kind of golf club next time.  He was, with his comment, condoning Elin’s violence as her right and entitlement, suggesting that next time she use a golf club he would have chosen, that could do much more damage than the one she chose.  I suspect that same man would have had ugly things to say about Rihanna’s attacker, who, of course, was not entitled to express his anger in a life threatening kind of way.  How do the two people differ?

Rihanna’s ex-boy friend was portrayed as an out of control violent person – probably because of the way he was raised and the place he was raised – a ghetto?.  Elin Woods was portrayed as seeking a proper kind of justice to which she should be entitled and counseled on how she could deliver a more effective and damaging beating next time.  She has not been portrayed as a woman whose anger was out of control, but as having lots of guts and the physical strength to do what she allegedly did.  Several media outlets, entertainment and serious news coverage found what Elin allegedly did funny – a great joke! Out- of-control anger that could have wound up with someone dead, was deemed justified and they looked up to her for the alleged attempt!

The fact that a woman going after a man with a golf club is attempted murder, has not surfaced nor even been hinted at in anybody’s column nor on anyone’s tv show that I have seen or heard about.  Given the damage allegedly done to the car, that was clearly an act of out of control, unmanageable violence whether the person came from a middle-class Swedish neighborhood or the middle of Detroit’s Black ghetto.  Where are the commentaries on Elin Woods needing to be in an anger management program?

And then there is Hugh Hefner.  A pathetic figure if I’ve ever seen one.  I don’t think he would know how to begin a conversation with a woman “on his level” so to speak – a woman his age, his level of intelligence, financially his equal, similar levels of experience, etc.  Hefner shows men how to keep women on the level of sex objects and makes sure no one forgets that a woman is only worth her physical appearance and her ability to subvert everything she is about to one thing, sex.  His girl friends could be his great-grandchildren.  It is an ugly spectacle and we all laugh.

If Hugh Hefner were African American and his girl friends were Caucasian, how hearty would our laughter be?  Hefner has acted out a life in which men are interested in a woman for sex,  arm and eye candy and nothing else.  In Hefner’s world, when a woman reaches 25 or so it is time to discard her for a younger version.  We fought that battle with the airlines and their need to discard their Stewardesses at age 33 and we won.  That model is still around and we are lauding and rewarding Hugh Hefner for holding it up so we won’t move into some other kind of future.  He successfully beckons us to stay in that past time.  He keeps us steady until we can revisit and reverse those kind of victories for women.  In his world a woman should be a prostitute, call girl, whore, corporate wife, etc.  Nothing else is acceptable from a woman – and the media holds him up as an icon.  He can do no wrong.

What is even more pathetic than Hugh Hefner are the the women coming into the confessional booth to relieve their guilt and whatever else they are claiming about their relationship with Tiger Woods.  The media is having an orgy over these women, who are unashamedly self-promoting, looking for their 15 minutes of fame to increase their financial standing in the world.  Why?  Apparently, some are coming out of this with their income up from $1,0000/hour to $3,000/hour.  A nice increase for 15 minutes of fame or a turn on one of the morning shows.

The media is holding all of this up and giving it great coverage.  The also pathetic, are the women in the media who are holding all of this up and creating a huge deal about it – Joy Behar wouldn’t have a show  if she talked about anything else,  nor would some other media have anything to write about because what they are about generally is reducing the world to sex, gossip about sex, etc.  In other words using other women and trampling over their bodies to get their own 15 minutes.

Most amazingly, the women coming out with these Tiger stories, are not being asked by journalists the first and most important question before beginning such coverage – proof?  some kind of proof? any kind of proof?   Instead, they are allowed in front of cameras and are being written about with no investigative anything. A couple have done follow-up blips on the reputation of the person “outing” Tiger and they have not come out as being among the world’s great people!

They all clearly are not in the position of the women around David Letterman.  These women around the Tiger Woods story are coming out in droves because they can gain, career wise, from doing so, which is why so many are now making these claims.  Back to shades of Michael Jackson.  Tiger Woods can’t come out to say which are true and which he’s never seen before without stirring up even more dust and without the media calling him a liar, so any woman who wants to increase her call girl price now has the opportunity to take to the cameras and put on a performance worthy of awards.  And the cameras are rolling trying to give any and everyone who wants to make such a claim their time in the sun.

I am sure as the story unfolds, Tiger Woods and Elin Woods will divorce.  They will fight over the children.  She will fight to break any pre-nup she signed in favor of a very substantial settlement using these incidents to justify such claims.  No one will breathe anything about uncontrollable anger nor the need for anger management, nor what affect this will have on the children.

In reality, her marriage to Tiger Woods has been a great career move. She doesn’t even have to baby sit her own children now she can pay others to do that for her. She can move on with at least a seven figure income and a seven figure home, neither of which she has earned.  Tiger Woods will stay out of the spotlight and when he returns, his personal life will still be as private as always and there will be someone in it with whom he thinks he has more in common and with whom he thinks he can make a more substantial marriage.

Maybe a few years to mature will help him find women who are financially, intellectually and educationally his equal and he will marry such a person.  If not, and he continues a need for immature arm and eye candy, he will most probably spend his life with these side affairs and miss what his life could have been about.  He will probably have more children. If he continues with side affairs they will be much more hidden and discreet.  He will probably have any woman he sleeps with from now on sign a confidentiality agreement with lots of financial and other penalties if she breaks the agreement.  Foreplay with Tiger will probably be a threesome – Tiger, the woman and Tiger’s attorney!

As for the rest of us, when we pick up our favorite media outlets, the names will change, but the situations will be the same.  Maybe over time the racist and sexist overtones will mitigate. We will go along in our very immature ways not wanting a substantial and decent media enough to fight for change.

And this is the world I leave to my grandchildren and great-grandcildren!  May God have mercy on them and their children, grandchildren and great-grandchildren!


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Ed. Note: Members of the Bettina Network Lifestyle Community can contribute to the Bettina Network Blog whenever they have anything they want to say and be heard by this fantastic group of people. Send your blog to or mail it to us at P. O. Box 380585 Cambridge, MA. 02238 or call us on the telephone at 617-497-9166 to tell us what you want to say and we will write it for you.

Volunteer with Bettina Network Foundation, inc. to work estate sales; to help move items from one home to another; to contribute your ideas on how we can better use our resources in this effort to relieve and eliminate homelessness and poverty. We also need photographers; designers; and more. However much or little time you have, we are grateful.

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Reformation Real Estate

Friday, October 30th, 2009

copyright the Bettina Network 2009
The Rev. Dr. Robert A. Bennett

The big news out of the Vatican recently is that disaffected clergy (married or not) of the Church of England will be welcomed back into the Roman Catholic fold – no questions asked!!! What was previously a case by case procedure for return has been replaced with an announcement of a blanket welcome issued by the Vatican on Tuesday, October 27. 2009.

There has been much discussion about what lay behind this procedural change: decline of European Catholic members; the decline of Roman Catholic Clergy due to strict rules of celibacy; or even the resulting decline in revenues and the decline in capital because of the court decisions taking millions of dollars from the Catholic Church.

The mantra in many mysteries is “follow the money!”  The rationale behind otherwise unanswered questions of motive, is very often related to monetary matters.  Everyone remembers that the Reformation in England took on a distinctive non-doctrinal caste under Henry VIII’s marital problems. The issue then was not doctrinal differences between Rome and England, but the matter of who ultimately controlled and held ownership rights over valuable Church properties and institutions.  Henry VIII resolved his marital issue by setting the stage for transforming (not reforming) the Catholic Church in England to the Catholic Church of England.  In 1553, Henry VIII seized and closed the monasteries and transferred these very valuable sources of income away from Rome, placing them at his and England’s disposal.  The so-called “Elizabethan Settlement” of 1559 finalized this transfer and marked the Reformation in England as the creation of the Anglican Church, the Church of England.

Benedict XVI, scholar that he is, as Cardinal, was called “God’s Rottweiler,” the enforcer of Roman Catholic Orthodoxy in the very conservative mood.  Benedict XVI has reversed the ex-communications of ultra-conservative rejectors of change and rejectors of reform elements set in place by Vatican II, and has returned them to good standing in the Roman Catholic Church – one bishop returned to good standing is an acknowledged “Holocaust Denier”.  The pope now issues a similar – y’all come back, now – decree for disaffected Anglicans who reject openly gay priests and bishops as well as rejecting female priests and bishops.

These actions, in the face of declining membership, declining sources of income, valuable real estate sold to pay court decisions, support the “follow the money” mantra.  They point to a way to increase membership and set the stage for the possible return of valuable real estate and institutions lost in Great Britain under the various Parliamentary acts of Henry VIII and Elizabeth I in the 16th century.

Pope Benedict XVI’s recent relaxation of the means of return is best seen as setting the ground work for the return of valuable real estate lost when the Catholic Church in England was transformed into the Church of England (the Anglicans).  It is English Reformation history that may well lay behind the recent action of the Vatican.  Never underestimate the knowledge or even the dreams of the scholar.

Should the Orthodox church begin to be concerned about its real estate with the Roman Catholic Church now lining up its priesthood to be a married priesthood for the little guys, but celibacy as the path for those who are upwardly mobile and want to be bishop or above?


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Ed. Note: Members of the Bettina Network Lifestyle Community can contribute to the Bettina Network Blog whenever they have anything they want to say and be heard by this fantastic group of people. Send your blog to or mail it to us at P. O. Box 380585 Cambridge, MA. 02238 or call us on the telephone at 617-497-9166 to tell us what you want to say and we will write it for you.

Volunteer with Bettina Network Foundation, inc. to work estate sales; to help move items from one home to another; to contribute your ideas on how we can better use our resources in this effort to relieve and eliminate homelessness and poverty. We also need photographers; designers; and more. However much or little time you have, we are grateful.

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The Truth about Debit Cards

Saturday, October 17th, 2009

copyright 2009 Bettina Network, inc.

This is a follow-up on Bettina’s Hall of Shame award.

We are beginning to think this award should be shared by the banks and the media.  The more we read the more we understand that the American public is being grossly misled and it is either because the reporters are ignorant of their subject or the reporting we’ve read is a purposeful attempt to mislead the public.

There has been much obfuscation around Debit Cards.  Much has been said and brought to Congress about how awful the banks are to give an automatic coverage of overdrafts for those with Debit Cards and how that automatic coverage allows the holders of these cards to overdraw their accounts and how it is allowing the banks to take them to the cleaners.  That is not true.  The public IS being taken to the cleaners, but its lack of knowledge and sophistication on how these things work allows this gross miscarriage of money which takes place on a daily basis.  And now the public is being misled by the media as to the real problem around Debit Cards.

Why did Debit Cards come into being?  It is another way the middle class can be drained of its money. Its a quick way to move money from the super rich to the becoming poor.

What’s wrong with Debit Cards and why this automatic overdraft business is gaining so much attention?  Its simple.    It is a red herring, meant to take your attention away from the real problem so Debit Cards can become entrenched in this society as another structural element within the banking system which makes loads of money for banks by quickly taking it away from the Middle Class.

The banks don’t want you to wake up to what they are doing.  So, you get this righteous indignation to take your attention, time and resources away from seeing and objecting to the real problem with Debit Cards.

When the Debit Card phenomena becomes accepted and normal the overdraft coverage will stop and you will be ripped off in ways you can’t even begin to imagine.


Today, when you make a purchase with your debit card, the money is immediately taken out of your checking account.  Sometimes this happens the same day.  If you make a purchase in the evening – say about 8pm, the next morning your checking account shows the withdrawal.  It is a total and immediate movement of money from you to the bank.  The merchant from whom you made the purchase doesn’t get their money for two to three business days later – so you are out the money paid, the merchant is out the merchandise or services without payment for two to three business days and the bank has the money, which is supposed to be the merchants, which the bank keeps for two to three business days before sending it on to the merchant involved.  And the merchant gets to pay the bank from 2 to 3 percent in the form of an immediate discount, for this service.

Parallel that to what happens when you make a deposit.  In most cases, your deposits are “cured” by the bank for 5 business days before a deposit goes into your checking account as available funds.  So any money which you have deposited into your checking account which you put there to use for such purchases can’t be touched for five business days.  (Only a few are exempt from this and then only temporarily until the bank can conjure up ways to put those few back with the unwashed – those who you now feel better than because you are one of the select few.  That feeling of superiority is short-lived because your stay in that heavenly area is temporary and the bank is constantly working with its idea people to shrink the number of people in that heavenly area and to decrease the amount of time they can spend there.)

Now, you’ve made your deposit and two days later you go to the store to make a purchase using your debit card thinking you have this money in your account and available.  What a mistake!  You are now in the weeds.  If you counted on that deposit to be there and usable you find you have overdrawn your account and are now being charged between $30 and $40 for that Debit Card transaction.  So without the automatic overdraft account added to your checking account, the purchase you made with your Debit Card would have bounced; you would be embarrassed at the check-out counter of wherever you are; and you would be furious with the bank doing whatever you could to change the situation.  What change would you be looking to make?  You want your money available when you make your deposit – or at the very least within two days of your deposit.

Instead, your bank covers the purchase, charges you an obscene overdraft charge and leaves you feeling as though this was your fault.  Was it your fault? NO NO NO!  You deposited good money and good credit for that amount should be immediately usable by you, especially when you think back on the fact that the merchant isn’t getting paid for two to three business days.

In addition, even if the bank bounced your Debit Card you would still be in the weeds because banks charge you the $30-40 no matter whether they pay the charge or not.  And with all the fees they add on to your account, you never quite know your balance.  You can call the bank at 2pm and get your balance – at 3pm they can add a charge which reduces your balance, you try to make a purchase for the amount you think you have and voila, you discover you are overdrawn or your charge has been declined at the store.  In either case you are out $30-40.

So what have we here:
1.  You start the action by making a deposit to your checking account.

2.  You go to the store to make a purchase.

3.  Your purchase is immediately registered by the bank – they have their money as soon as you make the purchase.

4.  The merchant is out the goods or services and the money.  The Merchant waits 2 to 3 business days before getting paid for what you purchased and paid for days before.  In addition, the merchant pays the bank about two to three percent for this service.  The merchant pays that amount to the bank, not in the form of a check issued at the end of the month, but in the form of a discount immediately taken from the Merchant by the Bank.

5.  You don’t yet pay for your Debit Card.   – in some cases you are being charged for this service – but most are not and given a little time you will also pay the bank a percentage to use your own money.  Congress will intervene on your behalf, but not for decades.  Meanwhile the bank will have another scheme going to replace the Debit Card income which will make billions more.  like the Debit Card gradually replacing the Credit Card.  Credit Card limits are being reduced.  They will finally go out completely.  Why take something that only pays you $ .95 on the $1.00 when you can replace it with something which pays you $1.50 on the $1.00.

Who benefits?  the Bank!  What is your alternative?  Use your check book.

Write a check for the goods or services you want.

If you have to wait in line with lots of people waiting behind you, that isn’t your problem it is the merchants problem.  You have your check book and proper identification.  There is no reason for anyone to deny your check, especially since there are all kind of services merchants could subscribe to which lets them know if your check is good.  They have been brain washed to believe that every check given to them by their customers is going to bounce so they had better use the Debit Card route for their own protection.

WHAT THEY DON’T KNOW, but will soon find out is the Debit Card they accepted can be rejected by the bank even after they have received an approval code.  The fine print in their contract says the approval code is temporary and can be withdrawn.  So what have they gained by accepting your Debit Card instead of your check? They have gained the right to wait for their money and to pay the bank a percentage of your purchase to accept your money and let it “cure” and then pass it along to them.

You have given up control of your money to the bank when you have and use a Debit Card.  When you use your checking account, you write a check today to pay for your purchase.  The money is withdrawn from your account about two days later and it hasn’t cost you anything.  If you overdrew your account by writing the check you can make a deposit the next day to avoid overdraft charges, which would have immediately accrued to your account had you used your Debit Card instead.

What has the bank gained?

Your deposits to your checking account for five business days for nothing –
money they make money on.

They have in addition gained an additional two to three days use of the money because you authorized the bank to withdraw money from your account to pay the merchant and while the bank has its money immediately, they don’t pay against they money you have given them for two to three days when the Merchants bill comes due.

The bank has gained use of your money in three ways, making substantial amounts when you add together the numbers of people who give them this right of access.
You are left penniless,
the merchant is left struggling
and the bank is just as happy and rich as it can be.

From what we have seen in the economy of late, the bank isn’t keeping that money.  It is being passed along in many schemes to the super rich.  Ethics have been suspended.  If the banks have to torpedo the society in order to create and work through its schemes – so be it as long as they are left functioning to continue this enormous transfer of wealth.

We are creating a modern version of the Emperor with his well-off minions and his indentured servants.  You may not yet be the indentured servants, but quite possibly that is the future of your children.


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Ed. Note: Members of the Bettina Network Lifestyle Community can contribute to the Bettina Network Blog whenever they have anything they want to say and be heard by this fantastic group of people. Send your blog to or mail it to us at P. O. Box 380585 Cambridge, MA. 02238 or call us on the telephone at 617-497-9166 to tell us what you want to say and we will write it for you.

Volunteer with Bettina Network Foundation, inc. to work estate sales; to help move items from one home to another; to contribute your ideas on how we can better use our resources in this effort to relieve and eliminate homelessness and poverty. We also need photographers; designers; and more. However much or little time you have, we are grateful.

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David Letterman Needs to Resign

Friday, October 9th, 2009

It was clear where David Letterman was coming from when he made the very ugly and extremely sexist comments about Sarah Palin’s daughter.  His disrespect and abuse of women showed through strongly when he could aim such ugliness at a young 14 year old girl who he didn’t even know.  Why was that necessary?  We now know why.  To Mr. Letterman it was normal and funny and just a fine thing to do.  His friends glad handed him, slapped his back, gave him a cigar and admired his macho.  In his mind, it probably added two inches – and not to his height, to do such a thing.

At the same time, several people noted that David Letterman must be misusing and abusing women big time to come up with such an ugly remark, deliver it so easily and expect a great laugh therefrom.  We were surprised no one called for his resignation then.  We think many people let that slide because it was framed against a high profile political family who it is now fashionable to trash.  Instead of letting politics get in the way, the remark itself should have been responded to properly and Mr. Letterman made to fade into a history, which minutely documented his inability to respect women and young girls.

Sexual abuse is very lethal in the work place and we are certain many women’s lives were changed and not for the better because of Mr. Letterman’s assumption that as boss, the women under him were literally obligated to be “under him” when he took an interest in them.  Isn’t that the traditional way for insecure men at the top to act?  Isn’t it time to call them out?  Women should not have to trade sex for a job, a promotion or anything else.  Women who have problems, having been raised without a father are prime targets for men like Mr. Letterman.  And those same women are generally the last to be able to stand up and call out the men who have sexually abused them – can you ever doubt the truth of that?

Unless sexual abuse is recognized and rejected, equality will never happen because there will always be the David Letterman’s who get away with years of abusing the women who work for them and then point fingers – filthy fingers with even filthier comments at girls as young and innocent as the Palin daughter of 14 years who had to endure the lurid publicity which Lettermans comments generated.

It is interesting that he was so quickly and easily able to make such a heavily sexual comment about a young 14 year old girl.  And the filthy fingers were all over women trying to establish themselves in a career, to support their families and to raise their children.  There have always been and always will be the David Lettermans in the work place.  When we endorse them by allowing them to stay and rub everyone’s face in their arrogance and inappropriate superiority who are we as a society?  Our morality and ethics will have taken a big nose dive into the gutter – and it is a very dirty gutter.

It is past time to recognize those who come out so vocally in support of sexual abusers of women and to look closer at them, because they are in the same camp and will soon be “outed” for the same reasons.

The women who work and/or worked for David Letterman and who were so abused need to find their strength and courage to come out, stand up and be counted among those who will not allow such to continue and to continue being hidden.  They can find work elsewhere if their bosses also are hiding their own sexual abuse by standing behind David Letterman.  How does that old saying go – there, but for the fear I’ve engendered in those women who have children to feed – raise – take care of, who I have so seriously disrespected and to whom I have caused much grief, goes I.


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Ed. Note: Members of the Bettina Network Lifestyle Community can contribute to the Bettina Network Blog whenever they have anything they want to say and be heard by this fantastic group of people. Send your blog to or mail it to us at P. O. Box 380585 Cambridge, MA. 02238 or call us on the telephone at 617-497-9166 to tell us what you want to say and we will write it for you.

Volunteer with Bettina Network Foundation, inc. to work estate sales; to help move items from one home to another; to contribute your ideas on how we can better use our resources in this effort to relieve and eliminate homelessness and poverty. We also need photographers; designers; and more. However much or little time you have, we are grateful.

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Editor’s Note on contributors to Bettina’s Blog

Friday, September 4th, 2009

copyright The Bettina Network, inc. 2009

We love to receive blogs from those who have stayed in a Bettina home. While we enjoy reading all of the blogs we receive, we only post blogs from people who have stayed in one of the homes in the Bettina Network.
The purpose of Bettina’s Blog is to stay in touch with guests and to let them know what is happening among other Bettina guests. We especially try to keep our guests up to date on breakfast conversations because most of our guests find breakfasts particularly enjoyable and interesting. We hope the rest of you enjoy reading the blog and will call the Bettina Network when you travel so you too can contribute to Bettina’s Blog.

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Want to join us? Have a home that you want to open to become one of Bettina Network’s Hedge Schools? Call us and lets talk – or email us.

Ed. Note: Members of the Bettina Network Lifestyle Community can contribute to the Bettina Network Blog whenever they have anything they want to say and be heard by this fantastic group of people. Send your blog to or mail it to us at P. O. Box 380585 Cambridge, MA. 02238 or call us on the telephone at 617-497-9166 to tell us what you want to say and we will write it for you.

Volunteer with Bettina Network Foundation, inc. to work estate sales; to help move items from one home to another; to contribute your ideas on how we can better use our resources in this effort to relieve and eliminate homelessness and poverty. We also need photographers; designers; and more. However much or little time you have, we are grateful.

Send your event information to be included in Bettina Network’s Menu of Events to:

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Friday, August 21st, 2009

Copyright The Bettina Network, Inc. 2009

We have had a few disagreements with Whole Foods. You can read about them in this blog.
We are, however, appalled at what is happening around Mackey, Whole Foods executive. It is especially appalling because we live in a democracy and one of its founding freedoms is FREEDOM OF SPEECH.
Mackey, private citizen of these United States, has freedom of speech. Are those calling for a boycott of Whole Foods calling for change – from a country devoted to Freedom of Speech to one better suited to keeping those silent who disagree with you, through threat and intimidation?
Mackey can say anthing he chooses to say and make his statements as public as possible, we will defend his right to speak without consequences to his company or to anyone around him.
Why so much fear and upheaval about one man’s comments? They are neither truth nor gospel. The words he says are his. The ideas and opinions he puts forth are his opinions. He lives in a country where he can do that and his rights around his free speech are protected. If you disagree with him say so; find a forum which allows you and others to express their disagreement with his ideas, but threats because he spoke and disagreed with what you would say, don’t belong in the U. S. of A. Those clamoring to shut him up, boycott his business and make him an example so others can be terrorized into keeping quiet, are way off base. They need to take a look at the implications of their actions. Shut me up today and someone will shut you up tomorrow. Keep quiet and don’t defend my right to free speech this morning and your right to free speech will be taken away this afternoon.

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Want to join us? Have a home that you want to open to become one of Bettina Network’s Hedge Schools? Call us and lets talk – or email us.

Ed. Note: Members of the Bettina Network Lifestyle Community can contribute to the Bettina Network Blog whenever they have anything they want to say and be heard by this fantastic group of people. Send your blog to or mail it to us at P. O. Box 380585 Cambridge, MA. 02238 or call us on the telephone at 617-497-9166 to tell us what you want to say and we will write it for you.

Volunteer with Bettina Network Foundation, inc. to work estate sales; to help move items from one home to another; to contribute your ideas on how we can better use our resources in this effort to relieve and eliminate homelessness and poverty. We also need photographers; designers; and more. However much or little time you have, we are grateful.

Send your event information to be included in Bettina Network’s Menu of Events to:

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