Hitler - Bettina Network's Blog

Posts Tagged ‘Hitler’


Friday, February 25th, 2022

Donald Trump has been responsible for a lot of evil and ugly which has crept and is still creeping into this world.

Fueled by dreams of a Trump-Moscow hotel complex, Trump had his minions and himself traveling to Russia begging with their hat in their hands because Putin was holding out a ‘bait and switch’ offer they could not refuse. They did not see the switch coming.

We remember Trump’s public response, as he chose, on the world stage, between Putin and the USA. Trump made this choice after a talk with Putin alone when Trump was the newly minted president of the United States. We believe a part of that public and private meeting has caused this attack on Ukraine by Putin.

Some of the white men in Russia, led by their own greed and reach for power, showed us how they have given their lives over to evil for a very parse return. These were recently on television and showed clearly their choice of subservience to evil instead of dedicating their lives to good. They will die soon without the ability to take one dime with them. They sacrificed their lives for pure unadulterated evil instead of for what could have been working towards a better, more just, more equitable society. May God forgive! The story of Judas and his 30 pieces of silver is alive to be told in this generation.

We think what is happening in Ukraine and what could possibly happen in other parts of the world soon, is Putin carrying out Hitler’s vision of the world with himself – Putin – in charge as the great god and emperor.

Hitler was effective for a very short period of time and over a very limited geographical area. We think Putin sees himself as the perfection of Hitler’s dream and able to carry it out world wide, without making Hitler’s mistakes. That becomes clearer as Putin projects himself and his goals onto others. Calling others Nazi’s and calling for the de-Nazification of leaders he opposes.

This is what happens when a human being, living in a society with other human beings has accumulated over $200 billions of dollars as his own personal wealth. Boundaries are gone and the only restraints left for him are the set of ethics by which he has lived his life. As more material wealth is accumulated, larger parts of whatever good and caring ethics remained are ditched.

Clearly, as we have watched Putin over the years, his ethics are in the toilet. That is now clearly showing and will become even clearer as time goes on.

No one has ever explained why Trump had that strange, shocked look on his face when he came out of the meeting with Putin and announced to the world that he was going to put his future in the pot with Putin’s. Trump had been elected by the American people, with the help of Putin who changed, added, subtracted, but basically had Trump’s back and added what Trump needed to become elected president. Trump’s ethics have, since that time on, paralleled Putin’s. Whatever the cost to his reputation no longer mattered – he was now one of the Putin Puppets Sowing Evil.

We think what Trump learned in that meeting was the future according to Putin. That future was taking over the world; denigrating and destroying the wealth and the world of minorities, making them subservient to white northern european males and taking over the countries of the world in ways which have perfected that path walked by Hitler -and – with Trump’s help, the United States was already being primed to meet this fate.

The January 6th insurrection was its opening public salvo. We believe this was planned for sometime prior to January 6th and was that on which Putin built his dreams of the future. The Charlottesville re-enactment of Hitler’s “Crystal Nacht” and so much more

When Trump lost the election and even with massive aid he could not recoup except to get himself more and more into the weeds facing jail and worse, Putin – we believe – decided to go it alone without that feather in his cap and so he is starting with Ukraine and moving from there to the rest of the world. He has waited long enough to see how Trump would fare. Clearly, both Trump and Putin can see that Trump is not the one to lay the United States at the feet of Putin.

We wondered why Ukraine was so prominent in the campaign for U. S. president and why it was so necessary for Ukraine to come out against Biden. We now know.

Putin’s dream of world dominance includes a world where the White Nationalism in Russia is built upon and put down in the rest of the world, reviving it in Germany, and with Trump’s, help pushing it forward in the United States.

How one man could collect some $200 billion dollars in assets is obscene. How much must others have suffered for him to be able to do such a thing.

It is time for all of us to look at wealth accumulation, raising serious questions and putting down limits so someone going down that path does not have viable options in this life.

Robert and I had an experience which opened our eyes to what is happening in this world with wealth accumulation in ways we could not have imagined nor dreamt. The attempt at taking over Robert’s life and destroying the end of his life was simply to get control of and spend any assets he might have. What became clearer in that not only were Robert’s assets at stake, but they also were going after my assets to take them for their own use. That was especially clear towards the end of the campaign waged against us when the last Court hearing scheduled was supposed to be to declare Robert “incapacitated” and his wife guilty of Medical Abuse against her husband with the State of Massachusetts claiming he had no one else to take care of him and in that hearing was to be made a ward of the state – under the guardianship laws – with the state agencies having control of everything we owned, had worked for over a lifetime, etc.

I had already been told to find a small room someplace because I would not be left penniless, they were not that mean, but I would also not be able to live an extravagant life. A small room would be paid for so I could continue on. I will never forget that conversaton.

The charge against me of “medical abuse” supposedly against Robert was totally without merit, especially when you look at the record and you see Robert had been to a doctor twice in the week before they started this campaign against us, before they made those charges and before “they” sent the police to force Robert into a police ward at MGH for no reason with the doors to the ward locked and guarded by armed guards and police with guns.

Given what happened and the way it was legally handled, it is past the time for Probate Court in Massachusetts to go through a complete evaluation and overhaul.

Whenever anything even close to that happens in the world we feel a kinship to the people so attacked.

That Court hearing was cancelled because at that point it was clear this was a criminal conspiracy against us and not real. I wondered what would have happened if we had not spent so many years in civil rights activities and did not have that small ability to navigate this kind of world of evil. It is amazing how many people step back to wait to see if you are going to still be their friend – depending on the outcome of what is happening to you.

If you look back at our history you will see Bettina Network Blog wrote and circulated some tough and honest blogs about Donald Trump, his history and more.

As we look back, we see these things happen to us and others when “they” can pick you up somehow and take control.

What happened to us? Robert fell down the back stairs in our home when the front stairs were being stained, new carpet applied. I took Robert to the hospital after the fall and there we were “picked up” by those waiting for such instances. Others have experienced such falls and worse without what followed with us involving forced incarcerations and more.

Mostly, the people who experience this kind of thing are Jews, Blacks and other minorities. The record is replete with such and it is also replete with the huge amounts of money siphoned off from such families in this process. That kind of thing now even has a name – “The destruction of generational wealth.” The goal is to limit how far the next generation of minorities can go without the gift of the life work of their family. Take away their ancestor’s wealth and distribute it to white male northern european types.

We fought them successfully – but not so successfully when you think we were stripped of some $200,000.00 in assets which went directly to Massachusetts General Hospital where many games had been played to make sure such a pay day was in the offing.

And how did Robert get out of MGH? I put the story out on their Facebook Page and two days later came the order from the top to “get that man out of this hospital.”

This is a small example. This is, however, what leads to the billionaires who have neither worked for nor should have the kind of wealth they have accumulated.

Putin is an extreme example, but he is an example of what happens when such ‘over the top” wealth falls into the hands of one man. That kind of money is also over the top power and with that kind of accumulation he can call the shots which have caused the death and destruction of hundreds over just the past few years.

Take a closer look at Putin. Take a closer look at those with the hundreds of billions of dollars at their disposal. They do call the shots in this world and this world is not the better for it. The rest of us suffer because of their dominance, their abuse of power and their use of money that has been stolen. It is not just African slavery of the past several hundreds of years we need to be talking about, it is what African slavery has evolved into that we all need to be concerned about and involved in making sure this world stops the evil which has had it in its thrall.

Donald J. Trumps Message to his followers!

Saturday, September 26th, 2020

Quoted from his television appearance he said – get rid of the ballots and there will be a continuation of his presidency. Speaking generally or to those who follow him and pick up his clues dropped for their immediate action?

Why did he say that? To whom was he speaking? And right after he spoke, someone in Pennsylvania threw ballots in the garbage as that person worked with others on “counting” the ballots. He was fired, of course, but his working in that place said loudly Trump’s message got through to his followers.

Our Experience?

When you are dealing with someone evil – his evil is not limited to those he is railing against. His evil falls on everyone. Those of you supporting a man who is clearly motivated by evil need to stop and think. You are not exempt. He may be moving against me today, but it will be you tomorrow. And that evil hurled against you will be when you do not expect it, are least able to respond and defend yourself and your destruction will come about by the evil one you selected as your leader.

History is replete with examples!


Bettina Oracle Speaks

Tuesday, January 29th, 2019

The end of Donald Trump: Illegitimate President of the United States

You folks need to stop bothering me and take care of your business. If you don’t, the next generation will simply have to repeat this scenario which has been repeated for generations without resolving anything. Learn a bit of history, your own history and you will be appalled at what you see – if you have any goodness left in your genes.

You are riddled with liars, murderers covering for each other, persecutions of innocent children, and so much more. The Jews of Hitlers Germany have been replaced by the Children of the United States who are being slaughtered with guns in your streets and in their schools and the Children of Immigrants, who are being put in Concentration Camps and are now being murdered. Those children who have have come to your country – some with their parents, some without – seeking asylum and refuge from so much evil. Their skin is brown and black and your bigotry won’t allow for that. Too many such colors in these United States already.

You need to be full of integrity, good character, working to eliminate poverty, homelessness, BIGOTRY – which is the genesis of all of your society’s ills. You need to stop allowing the likes of Donald Trump who is taking from his evil twins in history and ripping children from their parents; making slaves of those in prison who have suffered under massive incarcerations to do the bidding of the evil institutions in this world of yours and so much more. And no, Trump did not start all of this, but he is the inheritor and chief propagator of the evil coming through today. And to end this, all it takes is moral courage and who amongst you has that? You are all called, but who amongst you answers the call? This is still happening today after thousands of years of such history because only a few answer the call. The rest of you raise up those few and feel that your work is done because of that raising up and acknowledging those heroes. Interestingly, your heroes are never raised up in their own generation. That happens only after they are safely dead.

OK! So you want to know what is happening?

Roger Stone was indicted – did you notice how swift that happened with all of the charges against him not in that court document of indictment? Have you noticed the rumblings of major change? Are you beginning to hear many voices raised to call out the evil? Evil doubles down when those rumblings start.

What do we see: We see Whitaker having stopped the Mueller investigation by declaring to them they will not be allowed any more indictments. Stone is the last and he slipped through by a fluke. No indictments allowed against Donald Trump, against Jr., against Jared Kushner, against Steve Bannon, against Ivanka Trump, against Eric Trump.

Mueller can’t step up to the microphone to tell you this. There are enough bread crumbs along the way, however, for you to see this yourselves.

All of this must be settled and ended before or shortly after Barr takes on the post of Attorney General. He will clear Trump using the foundation set by Whitaker, a man who has been promised much, but who will be dumped on and pushed aside after his work is done – without his promised rewards. If he is lucky, he will leave with a loaf of bread, but no butter. Maybe as he sees his expectations so dashed he will step up to the moral plate and attempt to bring about something else – but he does not look like a soul who is destined to be a great hero.

All bets, in your society, are on the Democrats coming through in 2020 and taking over the government so the United States does not have to step up to the plate and deal with its sins. That is the way taken by lazy souls who want, but don’t want to give or risk. Cover-up is whats going on. Isn’t that what went on with Nixon? And his sins don’t begin to compare to the Trump Family Criminal Enterprise. Didn’t the Trump followers just blatantly take the sanctions from one of the wealthy, prominent Russians in their last days? And who will go against that and set it right? No one, so far.

What always amazes me is the ability of human beings to see themselves as ‘different from’, better than, – Trump may have treated those others badly, but I am going to be treated differently. All of my dreams will be realized because Trump promised me that…………..

And Khashoggi? Does Trump walk away having done a major work in covering up and taking the Saudi prince out of the spotlight? Did that give you a peep under the rug to see who is really working the gears and producing the results? It is definitely not Putin, although all media has anointed him as the one to whom Trump is beholden.

Trump and Putin are beholden to a mafioso who is so big in this world he makes the Italians look like thugs on the street and the Irish not far behind and lets not even begin to talk about the African American and other mafia.

You are going to be witnesses to how the clean-up ends. You can watch it with clear eyes or you can let the mythology replace reality. What mythology? That which was put into place to insure the rich get richer; the evil don’t pay; the thugs realign and move off into the sunset with new partners to get richer in tomorrows world. And the rest of you? Passing your lack of moral courage on to your next generation to preserve them in that struggling middle to upper middle class so they can pass the lack of moral courage you inherited on for many more generations.

So you asked – so I’ve said!


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